Studio Diary: Recent Entries

See What They See

December 15, 2002 - Don't be ashamed of your old songs, don't be embarrassed by flawed recordings - someone out there loves what you've written, you just can't see what they see...

Nifty New Tricks

December 10, 2002 - Layering, stripping back, double tracking, and lots of wet reverb. Here's some tips for getting more spacious and explosive kicks in your tracks.

Apathy Is Your Friend

November 23, 2002 - I don't care whether it's any good anymore. I'm just gonna throw it out there, see what happens. Who cares if it does well or if it's a failure?

The Spookiness Continues

June 15, 2002 - Yup, I'm sure it sounds nuts, maybe I'm even going crazy. But I know what I experienced, and it's influencing all the music and lyrics that have come since that time...

Bizarre Development

May 18, 2002 - Browsing the Studio Diary entries could make you think namesuppressed is about doom, gloom and never quite achieving your goals. Not so - namesuppressed has its success periods. But sometimes, I wonder if there's something darker driving those successes....

I Could Never Get That Mix Right

May 17, 2002 - There's days when you just have to sit back and wonder... what the hell am I doing? When will I perfect the sound, and achieve the vision in my head? Friends say I'm aiming too high, and they seem scared to give me honest feedback. So why am I bothering?

Another Antisocialite

April 26, 2002 - While exploring some exotic search engines today (namely I discovered a number of other people using the term Antisocialite. It's nice to be in the company of Independent Thought Alarm, but even better to share a song name with Forced Anger....