Hockey Mad

Lyrics/Music: K. Ikin
Winter 1993 - 21st Jan 1997
Recorded at TEK Studios, 1997
©1997 Kohan Ikin


We're the cool guys going to a hockey game
But you'd better watch out 'cos we're not tame
We're the funky funky guys from the SSS
But if you get in our way there's gonna be a mess
'Cos you know we're cooler than you
We're gonna beat you, see how good you can do
We're funky funky, we're the best
Of course you know we're from SSS
You'd better watch out for the hockey team
We're lean, we're mean, we're gonna make a scene
Y'all, y'all, y'all hear that? We sing 'cos we're hockey mad
We're Hockey Mad

Feel the thrill as the team goes into score a goal
Another point scored, man, we're on a roll!
Remember mark a player, stick like glue
Keep your eye on the game don't let him get in front of you
Ball's comin' your way, so keep your grip on the stick
Get in there and tackle, give the ball a good flick
Now run out and follow, do your good deed
Now you'd better pass it off 'cos you gotta make a lead
Dribble it. Cross it. Do whatever you must.
Charge through the middle and get that goal fast
Always practice your skills you mustn't let them go bad
But still we sing 'cos we're hockey mad
We're Hockey Mad

Run back to your place 'cos you're all hyped up
You want to think ahead to when you listen to the funk
The ball is passed back, and they're all on the run
So go and steal the ball, you know this'll be fun
You've just been tackled, you didn't like that
Makin' matters worse, the dude was fat
He doesn't look back, you're lyin' on the ground
Run up to the ref, you want to call a foul
But he doesn't care so you throw in the towel
Your team is up but you're hockey mad

Still sittin' on the bench, lookin' like a sook
All you can do is watch and look
The ball runs past headin' into the goal
Watch where you're going, don't walk into that pole
Lyin' on the ground, think you've got a brain tumour
namesuppressed's got a wicked sense of humour
Next you're on the field, your team's got no hope
You haven't got a clue if you'll win or cope
Now you're gettin' lots of goals, the score's a tie
It's all up to you, you know we don't lie
Gettin' hassled in the D, take a free, they're all glad
Once you score the goal...
We're Hockey Mad

About The Track
Back in the good ol' days... you never have any real hassles when you're 14, and I had a hard time looking for things to write about. There was a show on TV called Wonder World that was offering to play demotapes as the background to their stories on the show, and I decided that I was going to get my songs played (and then become world famous etc...) I thought that if I could write a song about hockey, then they would be bound to use it (Wonder World was a show for kids, and it often had stories on sport). So one day on the bus to a game I started coming up with ideas and I finished most of the first verse that day.

As for the rest of the song, that took quite a while to get right, and by the time I had finished it Wonder World was no longer taking new material. So it goes.

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