Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS

Windows 9x
Version 0.1.8
by Kohan Ikin

Version 0.3.0
by Kohan Ikin


Kenny for macOS 10.13+ New!
Version 1.1
by Greg Howell

Kenny for old Mac OS X (PPC only)
v1.1 Binaries & Service
by Nick Müller

Obscure & Cool

Kenny for Lotus Notes
by Marco Simon

Emacs Lisp Wrapper for Kenny
Use the compiled C version in Emacs
by Christoph Conrad

Email Clients & Servers

Mnenhy for Mozilla / Thunderbird / Firefox
by Karsten Düsterloh

Source Code

Kenny C Source
by Colin Leroy

Java Source
by Sebastian Rühl

Java 8 with lambdas and syntactic sugar New!
by Philippe Tjon-A-Hen

YAKTI (C# version)
by Klaus Hartke

Kennyspeak in Lua 5.0
and Kennyspeak in Lua 5.1 New!
by Imagine Programming

PureBasic 4.41+ version
by Imagine Programming

Python Source
by Stefan Bilsing

Ruby Source by Anton Bangratz

Kenny for Go Programming Language New!
by Kohan Ikin

Perl Script
by Christian Garbs

Kennyspeak in ASP
by Michael Kruss

4 Lines of Perl!
by Jan-Pieter Cornet

IRC Clients

Kenny for irssi
by Gerfried Fuchs

MirKenny for mIRC
by Grant Bennett

Kenny For Klient
by Arne Schwabe

[Kenny homepage]   [Download Kenny!]